
What is Electric Vehicle Electric Vehicle in India Benefits of Electric Vehicles Top Electric Car's in India

  WHAT IS ELECTRIC VEHICLE (EV) EV stands for Electric Vehicle. In conventional vehicles run by fuel which is petrol, diesel, LPG, Bio diesel, CNG and Ethanol. This fuel is replaced by electricity or simply batteries. Engine is replaced by electric motors. An electric vehicle an automobile that is propelled by one or more electric motors, using only energy stored in batteries.  BENEFITS  OF ELECTRIC VEHICLE Electric Vehicle have following benefits. 1)Zero Carbon Emission, much less than conventional. 2)Electric Vehicles are easy to drive due to less number of controls. 3)No noise  4)Economical compare to conventional due to running cost, maintenance cost. 5)Tax benefits because government promote Electric Vehicles . 6)Reduce dependency on other countries for Petrol and Diesel. 7) Convenient for charging at home.  ELECTRIC VEHICLE IN INDIA India electric vehicles are growing day by day. Electric Vehicle manufacturers in India -380 Vehicle registration -7,59,182 Electric  vehicle chargin